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  • Australian College of Sport and Fitness Melbourne

    Australian College of Sport and Fitness Melbourne

    The Australian Learning Group, in partnership with the Australian College of Sport and Physical Education and the School of Massage NSW provide education and qualifications for the Australian professional health and fitness industry. As a student you will enjoy an industry leader in education which combines practical experience with a good foundation in basic theoretical principles. The College is a nationally accredited training provider with all the qualifications recognized by leading industry associations and has been providing specialized education for over 30 years.

    Level 1, 183 Bouverie St
    • ACSF-Melbourne-Aula-de-Ginastica
    • ACSF-Melbourne-Aula-de-Massagem
    • ACSF-Melbourne-Estudantes-na-Academia
    • ACSF-Melbourne-Sala-de-Aula


    4 classrooms

    Good nationality mix

    kitchen available

    140 students per month


    Wifi available

    About Australian College of Sport and Fitness Melbourne

    The Australian Learning Group, in partnership with the Australian College of Sport and Physical Education and the School of Massage NSW provide education and qualifications for the Australian professional health and fitness industry. As a student you will enjoy an industry leader in education which combines practical experience with a good foundation in basic theoretical principles. The College is a nationally accredited training provider with all the qualifications recognized by leading industry associations and has been providing specialized education for over 30 years.

    ACSF's team of health and fitness professionals are experts and focus on providing fun and dynamic classes. Students enjoy fun classes and can choose from exciting programs in fitness and therapy, training or personal massage qualifications. The classes are fun, dynamic and come with plenty of hands-on learning. Fitness graduates are able to register in Australian industry federations.

    The ACSF Melbourne campus is located on the University of Melbourne Sports campus, which is easily accessible via electric transportation from the city centre. The nearest electric station is only a 5-minute walk from the ACSF campus.

    A bus stop is located one block from the Campus. The region has several “from" and "to" tram lines services for CBD. Melbourne CBD is just a 10-minute walk away and only 5 minutes away by electric transport. There is a wide variety of food and coffee shops around the area. For example, Lygon Street, a popular destination, is only a 5-minute walk from the Campus.

    Select a course

    • Certificate III in Fitness

      Type of course Vocational Courses

      Name of course Certificate III in Fitness

      Timetable Consult one of our agencies

      Start Consult one of our agencies


      The Certificate III is a national qualification to become a Fitness Instructor. ACSF-trained instructors are involved in evaluating, training, and supervising clients in fitness centers and gyms.


      Full Time - 2 times a week (10h) + vacation periods. 6 months duration.

      The course Certificate III in Fitness will prepare you for:

      - Evaluate new clients

      - Monitor a client's fitness level and development

      - Work as Personal Trainer

      - Offer fitness training to a group of clients

      - Provide good advice on all forms of equipment and exercises

      - Manage a fitness or gym centre

      - Provide appropriate assistance for first aid


      Entry Requirements

      The Certificate III in Fitness instruction can be taken without previous qualifications. However, the student should have a reasonable knowledge of fitness as well as proficiency in English. Experience in free weights and resistance machines are recommended, but not essential.

      Job results:

      - Fitness instructor

      - Gymnastics instructor

      - Group workout instructor


      All ACSF courses can be combined to create long-term programs.

      Levels offered Consult one of our agencies

      duration Consult one of our agencies

    • Certificado IV en Fitness

      Type of course Vocational Courses

      Name of course Certificado IV en Fitness

      Timetable Consult one of our agencies

      Start Consult one of our agencies


      El Certificado IV en Fitness es una certificación nacional para estudiantes que desean convertirse en un Personal Trainer, o que ya trabajan en la industria como instructores y quieren entrenar a sus propios clientes como un Personal Trainer calificado.



      2 veces por semana (10h) + períodos de vacaciones.

      Duración total:  12 meses.

      El Certificado IV en Fitness te prepara para:

      - Aprender a elaborar programas de ejercicios para sus clientes

      - Conocimiento de los principios de la ciencia del ejercicio

      - Cómo realizar evaluaciones posturales de los clientes y otras pruebas de aptitud

      - Entender la amplitud funcional de movimiento y realizar pruebas musculares

      - Desarrollar una amplia variedad de programas de ejercicios


      Requisitos de entrada

      El Certificado IV en Fitness puede ser cursado después, o en conjunto con el entrenamiento, del Certificado III de Fitness. Sin embargo, debe tener un nivel razonable de conocimiento en el fitness, así como la lectura, escritura y habilidades matemáticas. La experiencia en pesos libres y los equipos se recomiendan, pero no son esenciales.


      Resultados de Empleo

      Esta certificación prepara al estudiante para ser un Personal Trainer. Se le proporciona las habilidades y el conocimiento para entrenar a clientes individuales sobre una base one-on-one. Entre sus clientes pueden también incluir a adultos mayores y niños. Las personas con este nivel de cualificación tendrán la capacidad para planificar, conducir y evaluar el entrenamiento físico, ofrecer liderazgo y orientación a los clientes y otros empleados y gestionar las actividades empresariales.

      Todos los cursos de ACSF se pueden combinar para crear programas de larga duración.

      Levels offered Consult one of our agencies

      duration Consult one of our agencies

    • Diploma in Sport and Leisure Management

      Type of course Vocational Courses

      Name of course Diploma in Sport and Leisure Management

      Timetable Consult one of our agencies

      Start Consult one of our agencies


      The Diploma in Sport and Leisure Management develops students' skills and knowledge to work with organizational management in the sports and recreation industry. Students will develop technical qualifications, such as fitness and massage, and the skills needed to take on the management role in an organization. The course will provide a foundation for the management of health and fitness centres, gyms, outdoor sporting facilities or community recreation centers.



      Full Time - 4 times a week (10h) + vacation periods. 12 months duration.


      Future paths

      Graduates in the Diploma in Sports and Leisure Management course can earn credits for their future qualifications at Australian Universities. The school offers the following paths with the Diploma in Sport and Leisure Management:

      - Bachelor in Sports Management by the University of Canberra in Melbourne and Canberra - up to one year of credit

      - Bachelor in Sport Business - Sport Business School International (France) - up to 2 years of credit


      This is an excellent opportunity for eligible students to extend their studies in the field of sports management, in a higher education course and receive a course or financial credit in the process. For more information visit University Pathway Courses.


      Job results:

      - Sports Manager - Event Manager

      - Sports Programs Coordinator - Program Coordinator

      - Sports Center Manager - Sports Manager

      - Sports Development Officer - Sports Agent

      - Sports Officer - Facilities Manager

      - Health Manager - Fitness Center Manager

      Levels offered Consult one of our agencies

      duration Consult one of our agencies

    • Diploma in Fitness

      Type of course Vocational Courses

      Name of course Diploma in Fitness

      Timetable Consult one of our agencies

      Start Consult one of our agencies


      The Diploma in Fitness provides students with the skills and knowledge to enable them to be advanced fitness professionals. The course will fill the gap between a Personal Trainer or a health professional. Specific areas of study include developing exercises and trainings for individual clients with specific needs or special conditions on a one-on-one basis or for groups, and may include older clients and children with chronic illnesses.



      Full Time - 2 times a week (10h) + vacation periods. 6 months duration.

      The Diploma in Fitness prepares the student to: Implement, evaluate and modify workout programs recommended by doctors or health professionals.


      Entry Requirements

      Students who are interested in participating in the Diploma in Fitness course must have completed the Certificate IV in Fitness.


      Job results:

      - Specialized exercise instructor

      - Rehabilitation

      All ACSF courses can be combined to create long-term programs.

      Levels offered Consult one of our agencies

      duration Consult one of our agencies

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