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  • International School of Colour and Design (ISCD)

    International School of Colour and Design (ISCD)

    International School of Colour and Design (ISCD) is more than just a design school, we aim to inspire and educate you to fulfill your creative potential. We are proud to work with leading industry associations and companies who offer added benefits and opportunities to our student community.

    3/118 Walker St, North Sydney
    • ISCD-Sydney-Estudante-no-Lounge
    • ISCD-Sydney-Estudantes-durante-atividade
    • ISCD-Sydney-Estudantes-Durante-Aula
    • ISCD-Sydney-Recepcao-e-Hall-de-Entrada


    6 salas de aula

    Bom mix de nacionalidades

    Possui biblioteca

    Possui cozinha

    120 alunos por mês

    Possui laboratório de informática


    Possui Wifi

    Acesso a cadeirantes

    Sobre a International School of Colour and Design (ISCD)

    International School of Colour and Design (ISCD) is more than just a design school, we aim to inspire and educate you to fulfill your creative potential. We are proud to work with leading industry associations and companies who offer added benefits and opportunities to our student community. Throughout our school year we hold various events for the ISCD community and beyond.

    Selecione um curso

    • Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration

      Tipo de curso Vocational Courses

      Nome do curso Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration

      Horários Morning classes

      Início Consult one of our agencies


      The nationally accredited MSF50213 Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration is the course if you are wanting to work as a residential and commercial interior designer.The diploma will provide you with the skills and knowledge to work as an Interior Designer for a firm or establish your own design business. Our Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration ensures you graduate with computer skills in Photoshop, InDesign and CAD along with hand drafting technical skills which you will combine with your creative concepts and design understanding to develop & create your clients their ideal space.

      Níveis oferecidos Consult one of our agencies

      Duração Consult one of our agencies
