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    From Certificate IV ( 2 terms) to 8 terms Advanced Diploma we offer pathways to our Bachelor and do have many partner companies to help our students

    Accounting Course

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    Direct Entry into the Diploma of Accounting (FNS50215) is possible. Students will have to complete subjects: Financial Services Industry, Financial Accounting, Complex Spreadsheets, and Computerised Accounting System from Certificate IV in Accounting (FNS40615). The duration is then 12 months (4 terms / 40 college weeks). Also possible to the Advanced Diploma o Accounting (FNS60215) The duration is then 12 months (4 terms / 40 college weeks).

    Commercial Cookery

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    Certificate III (4 terms) and Certificate IV (6 terms)


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    Diploma in hospitality ( 4 terms)and advanced diploma ( 6 terms)
    we have the option of only hospitality management or hospitality management packaging with commercial cookery different hours will apply in this case.

    Information Technology

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    From certificate iv ( 3 terms) to advanced diploma ( 8 terms) this is one of our strongest courses. Great pathways and partnership with companies from the field.

    Management Course

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    From the certificate iii ( 1 term), certificate iv in up to advanced diploma in leadership management. One of the most popular courses.

    Management Course

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    From the certificate iii ( 1 term), certificate iv in  up to advanced diploma in leadership management. One of the most popular courses.

    Health Services e Nursing

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    Certificate in Health Services ( 3 TERMS) to Diploma e Advanced Diploma in Nursing ( 8 TERMS).

    Certificate IV in Business

    Postado por Alexandre Monteiro em

    Take the first step in gaining a qualification in Business. This course is suited to those who want to start a business or are currently in a management role.

    Diploma em Negócios

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    Esta qualificação é adequada para aqueles que possuem habilidades e conhecimentos de negócios teóricos e gostariam de se desenvolver para criar novas oportunidades educacionais e de emprego.

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