Pacific English Study Gold Coast
Pacific English Study (PES) offers a combination of great prices for English courses in Australia, a campus on a beach where it’s always summer, and high-quality government-registered courses.
17 Orchid Ave, Surfers ParadiseSnapshot
20 salas de aula
Bom mix de nacionalidades
Possui cozinha
844 alunos por mês
Possui laboratório de informática
Possui Wifi
Sobre a Pacific English Study Gold Coast
Pacific English Study (PES) offers a combination of great prices for English courses in Australia, three campuses in Surfers Paradise - where it’s always summer - and high-quality government-registered courses.
The school provides a warm and friendly environment with a family-like atmosphere. Everyone will know your name. Teachers and staff are always available to offer extra help with advice in class and during all breaks.
Fantastic location, just a few meters from beaches with warm golden sands. Large classrooms, a computer area, and a balcony.
Selecione um curso
General English Condensed
Tipo de curso General English
Nome do curso General English Condensed
Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes
Início Consult one of our agencies
General English Condensed Course(reg.080693C) – This condensed course allows students to study General English for a few days a weeks(2 days and half) and still have enough free time to work and play. This course is perfect for students with part time job or busy lives. English level from Elementary to Advanced.
Níveis oferecidos Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced
Duração Consult one of our agencies
General English Full-Time
Tipo de curso General English
Nome do curso General English Full-Time
Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes, Evening classes
Início Consult one of our agencies
One of our main courses is General English Full-Time ( CRICOS No. 071778F). We have English levels from Elementary to Advanced. There are currently 8 classes, average on 14 students per class. New students can start on any Monday. In the morning class, student gain English skills through reading, writing, listening and grammar study. Afternoon classes are more focus on conversation practice.
Níveis oferecidos Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced
Duração Consult one of our agencies
General English Evening Class
Tipo de curso General English
Nome do curso General English Evening Class
Horários Evening classes
Início Consult one of our agencies
General English Condensed time table(Evening time) – From Elementary level to Advanced level. Monday to Thursday 4:30pm to 9:30pm
Níveis oferecidos Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced
Duração Consult one of our agencies
Cambridge FCE Exam
Tipo de curso Cambridge Preparation
Nome do curso Cambridge FCE Exam
Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes
Início Consult one of our agencies
The most popular exam, accepted by thousands of businesses and educational institutions worldwide.
Níveis oferecidos Consult one of our agencies
Duração Consult one of our agencies
Tipo de curso Preparação para o Exame de Cambridge
Nome do curso PREPARATÓRIO CAMBRIDGE (C1 Advanced)
O exame mais popular, aceito por milhares de empresas e instituições educacionais em todo o mundo. Aulas no período concentrado, sendo 2.5 dias na semana
Níveis oferecidos
IELTS Exam Preparation
Tipo de curso IELTS Preparation
Nome do curso IELTS Exam Preparation
Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes, Evening classes
Início Consult one of our agencies
Our IELTS class is one of our class options within the General English Condensed Course (080693C). This course is available for student visa holders. . The entry level for IELTS class is Intermediate. New students can join in any Mondays.
On new students’ first day, they will be given a placement test. Placement tests must be done on-site at school. If students English level is not high enough to join the IELTS class, we can arrange them to join General English classes.
Níveis oferecidos Consult one of our agencies
Duração Consult one of our agencies
Tipo de curso Preparatório (PTE)
Aulas no período noturno – segunda a quinta das 4:30pm ate 9:30pm
Níveis oferecidos